The Liminal Shift

Fundamentally, this marks the beginning of our exploration towards liminality and was a part of the M.Arch dissertation of our co-founder, Dhawal Jain at Virginia Tech. The project examines the current pre-liminal situation in Malawi through the study of its activities, events and culture. From the gathering spaces to the local construction techniques and the use of shaded spaces in and around the building, this library is an attempt towards triggering a liminal shift in Malawi. This project was presented to various Universities, organizations and professional groups in the United States and Africa. Built entirely using Compressed Stabilized Earth locks (CSEB) & local construction techniques and materials, the building empowers the local communities and laborers. The usage of thick walls along the facade creates a beautiful play of light & shadow and provides necessary thermal mass required in the summers. The double skin on the opposite side, draws hot air outside the building through its cavities and keeps the passive ventilation running throughout the year. The architecture is an embodiment of how contemporary structures can be built using traditional engineered material, which can become a symbol of nations progress and prosperity. We aim to open the conversation of how architectural identity plays an important role in a nation’s overall development.


Designer: Dhawal Jain
Year: 2017
Program: Library & Research Facility
Area: 1,00,000 Sq. Ft.

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