Rajasthan House

This house lets us play with one of the most primitive exercises in architecture: Compression and Release. One enters the space at a human scale and gradually loses himself/herself to a well of light that takes them from introspection to enlightenment. It builds from the ground up as an experience of concealing and revealing. This home is of its time yet it holds on to the rich cultural past of its ancestry through the careful curation of spaces. This microclimate modifying space becomes the heart of the house, where all spaces open up across different levels.

Reminiscent of traditional courtyard homes in the region, this forms the backdrop around which all the activities take place. The translucent walls beyond the courtyard are naturally lit, filtering ample daylight even in the enclosed spaces.


Client: Private Owner
Designers: Liminal Design Studio
Year: 2019
Program: Multi-family private home
Area: 5000 Sq. Ft.

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